Monday 30 September 2013


Most of us ladies normally find ourselves in a fix after a break up. You cry yourself to sleep every night, gaining a lot of pounds on those ice creams and chocolates as well as constantly checking them up on the social media. Well that needs to stop because if you want your ex back, none of those things are going to help you get him back in fact the next time he sees you with those extra pounds he will thank his lucky stars for helping him make the right choice.
First of all you need to know what caused the break-up in the first place. Don’t try to point a finger at him because a break-up is never really one sided, you have played your part in the break-up and the first thing you need to do before anything else is accept that. We give many reasons for our break-ups among them being ; ‘We just grew apart’ or ‘We could never stop fighting’ or ‘He was too insecure’ and if your break-up was because of any of those reasons then you probably threw away a relationship away because of nothing. No relationship is perfect; do you think Romeo and Juliet did not have their ups and downs…??? Of course they did but because love overcomes all they managed through it all because of their love for each other (Well of course excluding the sad ending where they both died). If you really love someone you must be able to accept them for whatever they are. Before you contact him or anything, you need to go back to those small, annoying habits he had that made you mad and think if you could overlook them if he came back, if your answer is no, then forget about the make-up because those are the very same things that are going to break you up again.
Secondly you need you need to let go. Do NOT and I repeat do not hold any grudge against him. It will show him just how much of a civilised person you are. Greet him, call him and check on him and do not ignore his friends because of something that happened between the two of you. Remember that you are not together anymore so try as much as you can not to be clingy as he will smell your desperation miles away. Be a friend not a clingy puppet. If you really want him back that much, you need to forget his past mistakes and move on because if you do not, honey you will be chasing him again in a week. No guy wants to be reminded every time he does something wrong of what a jerk he once was.
We tend to get over-comfortable when we finally find that person who completes us, the person you can really be you around. You can be yourself as much as you can but when it leads to you being unattractive and sloppy around him, it might be a bit too much. This will be your chance to prove to him that you still have it in you. Be a bit outgoing; get yourself a new wardrobe, new hair and a new body. You can finally lose those pounds you have been meaning to lose. Use him as your motivation and you will see everything go in place. Surround yourself with friends, be happy and go to as many outings as you can and believe me he will come back to you.

With those few tips, he is guaranteed to come back to you but if he does not, then he was never yours in the first place. Now go and get dolled up and steal his heart girlie. Good Luck

Tuesday 17 September 2013


Hello friends

So you have probably searched for a faster weight loss method and are desperate to lose weight fast. Well that means its you and me together baby... So i have recently gained a lot of weight during the semester break and when I come back to the school everyone is like " Ooh,girl you are so fat","Gal what have you been eating"  and you probably know how embarrassing and painful it is.Well,I decided that I am not going to have it anymore. I did some research and even though this method is painful,its probably the most effective. All you will need to lose that 10 kg is:

  1. Dedication
  2. Motivation
  3. Water
  4. Fruits
  5. Exercise
Take note that these are the only things you will be surviving on for the next 7 days if you want too shed off those kilos. Firstly,you have to take it serious. You have probably tried to do all these at one point and failed but guess what,i have too but in this case lets try to use each other as the base for dedication. I will stay on track to the programme if you stay on it too. Remember that we cannot afford to disappoint each other.Secondly as a push factor to the dedication you need to be motivated. Use the comments people normally use against you to ensure that you do not fail or otherwise you will always be the girl everyone comments negatively about. Thirdly,your drink for the week will be water and water alone. No fizzy drinks and no juices,no sweet stuff remember if you want to cut on those calories. Fourthly,no meals at all. Just for this coming week you will be eating a fruit at lunch and supper. I will go hard on myself and eat it breakfast too but you can eat breakfast. only breakfast. You have to exercise about 30 minutes to an hours everyday. Jog and take sit-ups daily. At the end of my week I shall publicise my results sand you should do yours too. I'l be waiting fir your thank-you's.Good Luck!!!!